Pocket it in Style

More and more we seek convenience in our lives and what could be more convenient than a pocket or two in our clothing? It’s like having everything at the ready minus the scrambling hunt in the handbag. Oh the sheer freedom that they offer!! The bliss of being hands free. The smart phone has sent...
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Genderless Style -Katharine Hepburn

Pants with roomy legs, a structured top, loafers and a relaxed blazer, this was Hepburn’s distinctive style. She resisted the Hollywood trend of gowns and heels. Her fierce independence and strong personality called for an individual and idiosyncratic manner of dressing. Comfort was paramount. She disliked being restricted in movement so menswear-inspired outfits suited her...
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Pearls for Girls

In case you haven’t noticed, pearls are back. For confirmation of this new trend, look no further than the magnificent Giorgio Armani Privé Fall Winter 2024-25 Fashion Show. It’s 28 minutes of glamour on full display. If you fast forward to the 10 minute mark for just a peep, the message is clear. Shimmering fabrics...
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Africa Fashion – images that linger

Not to be missed, the exhibition – Africa Fashion – has now opened at the National Gallery of Victoria. It’s buzzy, it’s vibrant, it’s an encounter of a very different kind. More than 200 objects comprising an array of adornments, textiles, film and photography make up the exhibition largely from the V&A Museum, London. We...
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It’s a breeze

Whether you’re going into autumn or spring, Uniqlo has the answer to the ‘what to wear challenge’. The Pocketable UV Protection Parka is a breeze jacket for all seasons. Cold or hot, the jacket is amazingly light weight and packable, so you can whip it on or off as the weather demands or your mood...
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