Lucas Pawpaw Ointment – star performer


For those in search of a conditioner for dry or chapped lips, nothing beats Lucas Pawpaw Ointment but this little star performer has a lot more going for it than that.  There’s just so much to love about this product.  It’s a natural antiseptic as well as a healing product. This means it can be called into action for minor burns and scalds, sunburn, gravel rash, cuts and minor open wounds, nappy rash and chafing, insect bites, splinters and thorns.

Lucas Pawpaw Ointment

It’s a great remedy for dry cuticles, a magic solution for the dry elbows we sometimes overlook, and one to add to the home pedicure routine.

Lucas Pawpaw Ointment ideal to include in a pedicure or manicure   Photograph:  GRACIE

Lucas Pawpaw Ointment ideal to include in a pedicure or manicure Photograph: GRACIE

Created from the powerful enzymes found in the pawpaw fruit (still peeled by hand), the fresh fermented concentrate is blended with petroleum jelly (to protect wounds and seal out germs), enabling the right amount of concentration to be applied to the skin.

Peeling at the factory

Hand peeling pawpaw at the Lucas factory

Because it’s natural, the thick emollient balm can be used whenever you want.

Lucas Pawpaw Ointment - thick emollient balm heals and restores  Photograph:  GRACIE

Lucas Pawpaw Ointment – thick emollient balm heals and restores Photograph: GRACIE

It is inexpensive and comes in four handy sizes for bathroom cabinet, handbag or car, including a 15gm lip applicator size. Don’t you love it when products are so versatile in packaging?

Plentiful rewards await for little cost. It doesn’t take long to become a devotee.

To learn more click here

