Gershwins in the library


The Library of Congress in Washington, DC is probably the last place you would expect to find a fascinating collection of memorabilia relating to George and Ira Gershwin, but there it is, The George and Ira Gershwin Room.

George & Ira Gershwin at work.  Courtesy:

George & Ira Gershwin at work

You don’t have to be a fan of these great American music makers to have a marvellous time mooching around here.  Their God given talent and genius is well laid out.  Commanding most attention is George’s piano.

George Gershwin Piano - The Library of Congress   Photograph:  GRACIE

George Gershwin Piano – The Library of Congress Photograph: GRACIE

It’s wonderful to realize that from this keyboard many of the best loved works of 20th century music were created.


George Gershwin at work

Equally fascinating is the typewriter used by Ira when composing those fabulous lyrics.   Together, these two items were the instruments that gave a back drop to the glamour and sophistication of the 1920s and 1930s.

Ira Gershwin Typewriter - The Library of Congress Photograph: GRACIE

Ira Gershwin Typewriter – The Library of Congress Photograph: GRACIE

Fred Astaire, George and Ira Gershwin

Fred Astaire, George and Ira Gershwin

You can feel the ‘fascinating’ rhythm’ the moment you entre the room. And just in case you have any doubt about it, the metronome is there up front and centre.

George Gershwin Metronome - The Library of Congress Photograph: GRACIE

George Gershwin Metronome – The Library of Congress Photograph: GRACIE

A video kiosk provides a great opportunity to hear the music and view footage from the Broadway shows.  These original recordings will have you enthralled.  There’s a wide range of additional material that chronicles the lives and careers of the Gershwins, all providing a terrific insight into their lives.  Orchestrations, piano-vocal scores, sketches, photographs and manuscripts from their larger works all form part of this truly fabulous collection.

Visitors to Washington DC shouldn’t miss The Library of Congress and The Gershwin Room, located in the Jefferson Building,  is a must see.

In short ‘S Wonderful’.
