The Johnson Collection feature ‘A la Mode’


Commencing in July, The Johnson Collection is featuring nine lectures, presented by well-known art, fashion and cultural historians, who will explore the social and cultural worlds where art, fashion and design meet.

One which promises to be fascinating will highlight fashion artisans and how their creations compare with the fast fashion world that dominates the fashion industry today.  For further details of what’s in store and how to book, read on

with Karen Webster

Richard Nylon in his studio, source: ‘The professional dandy and celebrated milliner Richard Nylon’, from posted by Monty, 26 February 2010

Richard Nylon in his studio, source: ‘The professional dandy and celebrated milliner Richard Nylon’, from posted by Monty, 26 February 2010

On 29 July, Associate Professor, Karen Webster, Deputy Head of Fashion and Textiles at RMIT University, pays tribute to the modern day artisan who creates bespoke heirloom pieces to be coveted and cherished. In A TRIBUTE TO MODERN FASHION ARTISANS, Webster compares the impersonalised fast fashion of low prices, high volumes and speed with the beautiful pieces created by the artisan, made with care and attention to detail, and personalised for the wearer.

Book now by clicking here
